Discharge has been installed three times. It was originally presented as part of 'Energy Work' at Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery in 2022. It was then installed in the Sun Studio in Mahurangi in 2022. In each iteration the work is adjusted for site through a process of divination using a pendulum. For Sydney Contemporary the work was supported from a brass hexagon placed on the ceiling and a Herkimer diamond embedded in glass, was hung within the heart of the work. A hexagonal feather pillow was situated at the base of the work and participants were invited to lie within the subtle field of the work.
Those who engaged with the work on this level generally stayed in the work for between 5-7 minutes and described their experience as variations of the following: a heaviness in the body, compression around the heart, warm moving sensations around the stomach, tingling in various parts of the body. Many said they went into another state before naturally finding themselves ‘back in the room’ a short time later.
'Energy Work'
Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery, 2022
Sun Studio, Mahurangi
Sydney Contemporary
Carriageworks, 2023